AMP Loans consolidates loan file documentation, document imaging, document management, tickler tracking, file monitoring, and reporting capabilities into a cohesive platform that enhances loan portfolio management at all levels.

Make Better Decisions

CAMELS-quoteBusiness Insights

Our implementation team will help design reports that deliver actionable insights so you can preemptively address problems and embrace developing opportunities.

Performance Monitoring

Your entire loan portfolio is at your fingertips, making it easy to manage individual loans as well as the entire portfolio.

Risk Management

AMP Loans makes it easy to evaluate concentrations, monitor Watch List loans, and identify all outstanding documentation issues. You can quickly see what your lending team is doing to mitigate risk and rectify exceptions.

Serve Customers Faster

Loan Pipeline

Document the customer relationship from prospect to payoff without the bulk and burden of most CRM systems. Lenders can create a Pending Loan at the initial point of contact with the customer that facilitates rapid information gathering and informed decision-making.

Enhanced Workflow

Once a loan is approved, AMP Loans helps your team move quickly from Pending to Active, while ensuring all necessary documents are in the right place.

Easy Access

Our common-sense approach ensures that any user can navigate the system with ease. Documents are named in a way that makes sense for you and your team, so it is easy to find exactly what you are looking for.